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The 4 core Agile values

The Agile Manifesto, established in 2001 by a group of experienced software developers, introduced a set of core values that have transformed the landscape of project management and software development. These values emphasize flexibility, collaboration, and a customer-centric approach, laying the foundation for Agile methodologies. Understanding and implementing these values can help teams deliver high-quality products efficiently and adapt to changing requirements. Here’s a closer look at the four core Agile values:

1. Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools

Agile places a strong emphasis on the importance of people and their interactions. While processes and tools are necessary, they should not overshadow the need for effective communication and collaboration among team members.

Key Points:

  • Human-Centric Approach:

    Recognize that the skills, creativity, and communication of team members are the most critical factors in project success.

  • Flexible Collaboration:

    Encourage open dialogue and collaboration, allowing teams to respond swiftly to challenges and opportunities.

  • Adaptability:

    Empower teams to adapt their processes and use tools that best support their interactions rather than rigidly following predefined procedures.

Example: In a software development project, instead of strictly adhering to a complex project management tool, the team might prioritize daily stand-up meetings to discuss progress, roadblocks, and next steps.

2. Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation

While documentation is important, the primary goal of Agile teams is to deliver functional software that meets user needs. Documentation should support the development process but not become a goal in itself.

Key Points:

  • Deliver Value:

    Focus on delivering software that works and provides value to the customer.

  • Practical Documentation:

    Maintain essential documentation that helps in understanding and using the software, but avoid excessive detail that doesn’t directly contribute to the project’s success.

  • Iterative Development:

    Continuously deliver small, functional increments of the product to get feedback and make improvements.

Example: A team working on a mobile app may produce minimal yet sufficient documentation for the current release while ensuring that the app’s core features are functional and meet user needs.

3. Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation

Agile values active collaboration with customers throughout the development process rather than relying solely on initial contract terms. This ongoing interaction ensures that the final product aligns with customer expectations and can adapt to changing requirements.

Key Points:

  • Active Engagement:

    Engage customers regularly to gather feedback, clarify requirements, and make necessary adjustments.

  • Flexibility:

    Be willing to revise plans and priorities based on customer feedback and evolving needs.

  • Shared Goals:

    Work together with customers towards shared objectives, rather than viewing the relationship as purely transactional.

Example: In a web development project, the team might hold regular review meetings with the client to demonstrate progress, gather feedback, and make adjustments to the project scope as needed.

4. Responding to Change over Following a Plan

Agile acknowledges that change is inevitable and often beneficial. Instead of strictly following a predetermined plan, Agile teams prioritize responding to changes that improve the product and better meet customer needs.

Key Points:

  • Embrace Change:

    Be open to changes in requirements, even late in the project, if they add value.

  • Iterative Planning:

    Plan in small increments, allowing for adjustments based on feedback and new information.

  • Agility:

    Maintain the flexibility to pivot when necessary, ensuring the project remains aligned with business goals and customer expectations.

Example: During the development of an e-commerce platform, the team might adjust the project plan to incorporate new security features in response to emerging threats, even if this means altering previously set priorities.